Friday, December 7, 2007

Pipettes in My Heart

So, one more week of lectures ahead!
On Thursday I had my last lab and oh my god but it really hurt in my heart! Not the thing that it was the last lab but the thing what we did. We got our fruit flies drunk and to do that we needed to measure 10 ml with a pipette that was 1000 µl. I got the pipette in my hand and was wondering what size pipette it is as I couldn't see any labels and wondered would it be 500 µl or 1000 µl as it looked big but not as big as our 1000 ml Finnpipette. The group was wondering how I can know such a thing and aone guy said that it says 1000 in the top of the pipette and so I said that then it's ten times this. He watched me and was like wtf, ten times thousand is ten thousand... how can that be 10 ml... He almost didn't believe when I said that believe me, its ten times 1000 µl :D Then they concluded that they'll look the scale on nunc-tubes and measure it with it :D Oh my god!!! And oh my, this wasn't yet the thing that hurt me, it was the way they used the pipettes! They had ethanol in the pipette and they held the pipette horizontally!!!! OH!
Just needed to share that. But let's keep in mind that they weren't pipette biologists but behavioral biologists but it still hurt my heart :D

Tonight I'll go ice skating! And tomorrow is Judith's farewell party.

Oh yeah, and I got first answer regarding my future and I'm happy happy! ^^

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