Friday, November 16, 2007

Getting Ready

I'm leaving tomorrow for my Thanksgiving trip!!! Boston, New York and Washington, here I come!! I'm getting so excited!

And this week was ok, I got 20/20 from my cricket lab report and some quite young guy called me ma'am :D I also had fever of Wednesday, was in a wrong place drinking hot chocolate and bought some wine and cheese. We were supposed to be at T-spoons but we were at Java Juice but Kaisa and Suzanne was there and we wanted our smoothie so it was ok :) though I just wanted the hot chocolate as I felt awful... But when wouldn't chocolate make you feel better?? ;)

So I'm just doing my laundry, then I need to pack and read 10 pages of endocrinology to get that done so that I don't need to even imagine to be worried about anything study things in our trip :) The I'm going to Kaisas place to see Memoirs of Geisha in the evening and then I'm going to sleep and then I need to wake up at 5.30 am to get to shower and to call my parents and at 7 am we're leaving!!! Our flight leaves at 9 amish...

Just to inform you, I won't be available in a week, will be back on Saturday 24th... ^^

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