Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Not in the Mood

Ok. I don't know why but I'm not in the mood for studying. Luckily I already read enough for today and I did my neurobiology review questions (though I didn't know answers for all of them) so now I just need to do something until my last class for today starts (in an hour). I'll have my exam tomorrow but I'll have several hours to go through my notes for that because we don't have the class for that tomorrow. I'm so happy I bought the mp3 player, it makes me feel a lot better to listen the music ^^

Oh it's so scary to go through those book detectors in the library when you are listening music because you can hear them scanning you! (Because I just went through them...)

I'm so tired. I didn't sleep well last night and I still woke up at 7:30 am. I need a good sleep and them I'm motivated again. And my face is peeling still so I don't want to be in public places, I'd just like to hide somewhere to recover... Though it was my own fault so let the girl suffer!

I got such a funny messages from Josh today, I couldn't do anything but laugh!

Hope u r having a wonderful time staring at animal brains!
Remember. If u hear the brain screaming back at u it is time to switch ur major.

So funny! Like I would torture the brains o.O but if I now see nightmares of brains screaming at me I know who to blame!

I booked a hotel for me and Tarmo for the couple of nights we're going to be in Nashville before going to New York. This hotel is near a Mall so if we get bored, there's something to do. Because there weren't any cheap hotels in downtown. We still need to get a place where to stay after Christmas... I put note today on this market place and I'll keep it there until we get a place to stay. We just calculated that if we stayed at a hotel that costs $50 for a night, it'd be over $1000 per person and that's too much! It'd be cheaper to rent a room/house but there doesn't seem to be any rooms with furnitures... But we'll figure out something.

And by the way. I'm going to gain some weight in here... There are so many cheeses available when I go to my lunch every day and because I love cheese, I eat it and then I get fat! In Finland cheese is so expensive that we can't afford to buy it all the time, not to mention different kind of cheeses! (Today I had a salad where there was feta, cheddar and cottage cheese!) And I really need to start to go to the gym but I don't seem to have the energy for that! It opens too late during the weeks so that I can't go there before my classes, I study so late that I'm too tired to go there in the evening and on Saturdays I'm elsewhere or having a hangover and on Sundays I'm too busy with my studies because I didn't do anything during the weekend! Okay, okay, only excuses I know, but a good ones! Though I really need to start exercising again...

I don't get it. Why am I this tired? I study hard in Finland too, all my books have been in English for the last three years and it's not THAT different to study in here (except that the classes start late). Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well during the weekend and because here I HAVE to read all the time because of the exams. I'll have two exams next week so I have to start to go through my notes for them on the weekend...

And we should book our hostel for our Thanksgiving trip in Boston. I'll do that tonight.

But I just realized that I should do something and now that I'm not going to study anymore, I'll make this time useful and go to buy some software...

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