Saturday, September 29, 2007

Working Hard

And it's weekend again.

morning I talked with Tarmo before leaving to my class. After my first class I went to the library to read for my Neurobiology exam and Kaisa came there too. We were supposed to go to Kalona Fall Festival later that day (at 6 pm) but Kaisa said that she'll go with the earlierOn Friday I had the most hectic day ever. In the group (3 pm) to there so that she wouldn't miss the homecoming parade. Meike had already said that she'll change the group too but I had my Endocrinology until 3:20 pm. But I started to think that I don't want to miss the parade either. So after lunch we went to ask if there still was seats left on the first group and half an hour before we were supposed to leave, we found out that there will be two cars going so we can go with the earlier group! So we went home to get our school stuff off and change bags because we were going straight from Kalona to the parade. So we left and on our way we visited a cheese factory. There we saw the only Amish people, there were no Amish people at the Kalona festival. The area was small and reminded me of Finnish markets, there was food and antiques. We were ready to leave after 1,5 hours but we had to wait for the others. So we made it just and just to the parade and after that we went to see a free concert. In the middle of the concert we left to eat something and after that we met the others and listened other concert. There was Minus Six again at the town so we went to Q-bar to listen to them and I was back home at 2 am.
I put my eye pads on my eyes so that I could sleep late the next day.

So I woke up today at 9.30 am when Ashleigh left to the game. I went to watch the game at Kaisas place (we lost). After that I came back home, talked again with my mother in law (they showed their new home via webcam!) and took a nap because I was really tired and my head ached. I really appreciate the Finnish bars now, the smoke makes my head ache, I drank only one drink and it took 2 hours for me to finish it so I didn't have a hang over! :D But after napping I felt better, made some food and actually managed to read some Neurobiology ^^

I had a dream few nights ago that my mom cried a lot. I need to ask if she's okay when we talk next time.

And I've been missing home. Sometimes I feel like I would just like to crawl in my bed, go under the blanket and be there in warm. I feel like I would like to be alone, curl up in to fetus position and be in my own thoughts. But I know that's not a good thing to do so I don't do that. Instead I study hard and try to be social. Though being perfectionist (and not so sure how much I need to study to get good grades), studying takes now time from my socializing. But I heard that local students don't take many science courses at a time because they require a lot work (which I've noticed) and that the basic courses are harder in grading so that the people that are not smart enough will drop. But luckily working has always been my way to "grief". If you can call this grieving :D

82 days and I see my baby again. And two days for our half a year anniversary (from our engagement)... Kalona was hard place, there were babies all over! And they all were behaving and so cute :> I need to write an e-mail to my professor and ask about my graduation... I need to ask if I need one course and when do I need to apply for the PhD place... I am beginning to realize that I am actually going to graduate. That's quite scary! I remember the time it seemed that I would just study forever... Though after graduating I will still study :D But at least I get some money.

I love the peace in here. Everyone is partying after the game.

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