Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I really needed the good night sleep, I feel a lot better now! After my morning stuff I went downstairs to talk with Tarmo and tried to call to the internet guy the whole time. Eventually after 1,5 hours not getting any answer I went to the front desk. And they said that their phone hadn't been ringing! But I made the appointment to discuss about my "violation" and got it NEXT WEEK! Because he's not there today and tomorrow I have classes the whole day and he didn't have morning times, I can go to figure this out only next week Wednesday. They told me that he deals with these things only once a week. Argh! Luckily I'm not home on weekend.

But the weather is nice and I'm not tired so I feel a lot better.

The desk lady also said that this had been busy day... I wonder if others has got the same problem too... I still don't have a clue what might be the reason the disabled my connection... But i need to go to my class, I have my neurobiology exam today!

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